Our tuckshop operates once a week. We have volunteers (who work on average once every 5 or 6 weeks) to assist with the following duties:
- Work only
- Cook only
- Work and Cook
One person is designated as the Hostess for the day, and they are responsible for all hot foods and the smooth running of the tuckshop on that day. Thangool State School has implemented the new Healthy Choices Principles. As such, the cooks for the day are sent a note asking them to provide items such as muffins, quiche etc depending on the season and tuckshop needs. Workers start at 9.00am and finish between 12.00 and 12.30pm.
A tuckshop menu is sent home via the newsletter at the beginning of each term for your information. The menu is to be used for “big lunch" orders (first break). Orders can be placed via the Qkr! App (information available from the school) or via the brown paper bag system, enclosing correct money, details of student name, class and order written clearly on the outside of the bag. Orders must be received at school by Friday morning at 9.00am.
On occasions there are also 'meal deal' days which are held in addition or instead of our normal tuckshop days. These days and the menu are also advertised via the newsletter.
Each day our Teacher-aides prepare breakfast for our students. The breakfast menu changes daily however includes cereal, fruit or toasted sandwiches, with regular specials such as muffins, croissants and Danish pastries.
If students forget their lunch or if families require support during difficult times, our school has provisions to feed students through the Yum Yum Tum program.
Each year NAPLAN tests are held during the month of May for our Year 3 and Year 5 students. To ensure that these children feel special and relaxed heading in to or following these exams, our school provides breakfast or a celebratory party for these students.