Thangool State School's library has an extensive collection of Junior Fiction, Middle Fiction, Fiction and Non-Fiction books that students are able to borrow. Each class is assigned a library day each week. Students are able to borrow a book for a 14-day period. Students in Prep and Year 1 are allowed to borrow one book at a time, while students in Year 2 are allowed to borrow 2 books at time. Our Year 3 & 4 students are allowed to borrow 3 books at a time and students in Year 5 & 6 can borrow 5 books at a time. We ask that students bring a library bag to use when borrowing books to protect our books from accidental damage. If a book is accidentally damaged we ask that parents offer to replace the book for us or pay for it so that we can purchase a new one. Overdue reminders will be sent home with students each term. The air-conditioned library is a great place to hang out at lunchtime. Students may choose to read, play a board game or colour in with friends. Our fish tank provides a quiet space for students who wish to watch them swim peacefully.